Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
gscaas Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 3 years September Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
hunau Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
hunau Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 3 years September Doctor ¥25,000 Taught in English
gsau Animal Production Science 3 years September Doctor ¥24,000 Taught in English
dkxy.shzu Animal science 4 years Mar/Sep Bachelor ¥30000 Taught in English
nbu Aquaculture 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
nbu Aquaculture 3 years September Doctor ¥20,000 Taught in English
hunau Aquatic product 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
gscaas Biological Control 3 years September Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
gscaas Biological Control 3 years September Doctor ¥40,000 Taught in English
hunau Biological safety and quarantine 3 years September Doctor ¥25,000 Taught in English
hunau Breed 2 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
gscaas Chinese Traditional Veterinary Science 3 years September Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
gsau Crop Cultivation & Farming System 3 years September Doctor ¥24,000 Taught in English
fafu Crop Cultivation and Farming System 3 years September Master ¥23000 Taught in English