Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
xjtlu Digital Media Technology 4 years September Bachelor ¥80,000 Taught in English
jlu Diplomacy 4 years September Bachelor ¥18,000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of Computer Science 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of Economics 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of Engineering 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of English Studies 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of International Communications 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of International Studies 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of Sustainable Development 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
aebs.ecnu Double Degree Global BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration 4 years Sep Bachelor ¥54000 Taught in English
tongji Dual Degree in Architecture 4 years September Bachelor ¥60,000 Taught in English
nbut Dual-degree Accounting Program 4 years September Bachelor ¥38,000 Taught in English
zjgsu E-commerce (International E-Business) 4 years September Bachelor ¥18000 Taught in English
bupt E-Commerce Engineering with Law 4 years September Bachelor ¥70,000 Taught in English
sdjtu E-Commerce(scholarship available) 4 years March/September Bachelor ¥24,000 Taught in English