Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
swu Clinical Veterinary Medicine 3 years September Master ¥28,000 Taught in English
hunau Clinical Veterinary Medicine 3 years March/September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
zcmu Clinics of Integration of TCM and Western Medicine 3 years September Master ¥42000 Taught in English
hbu Combined TCM and Western Medicine Clinics 2~3 years September Master ¥23,000 Taught in English
xsyu Communication & Information System 3 years September Master ¥21,500 Taught in English
csu Communication & Information Systems 3 years September Master ¥25,000 Taught in English
lzjtu Communication and Information System 3 years September Master ¥29,000 Taught in English
hebut Communication and Information System 2.5 years September Master ¥22000 Taught in English
nbu Communication and Information System 3 years September Master ¥22,000 Taught in English
ccnu Communication and Information Systems 3 years September Master ¥34000 Taught in English
heu Communication and Information Systems 2 years September Master ¥36,500 yuan RMB / y Taught in English
wut Communication and Transportation Engineering 3 years September Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
dlut Communication and Transportation Engineering 3 years September Master ¥29,500 Taught in English
ccnu Comparative Education 3 years September Master ¥28000 Taught in English
zjnu Comparative Education 2 years September Master ¥24000 Taught in English